West Kirby Methodist Church
Welcome to Worship
14th & 21st JULY 2024
Church website: www.westkirbymethodist.org.uk
Minister: Rev Noel Sharp. Tel: 0151 633 2558.
Email: noelsharp@wirralmethodist.org.uk
Church & Community Development Lay Worker:
Sam Hepworth Tel: 0151 625 3224
Room Bookings: Sam Hepworth Tel: 0151 625 3224
Email: westkirbymc@yahoo.com
10.30 a.m. Craig Price
Joint Service with St. Luke’s
Steward: Sally Brimble
Welcome: Erica Rimmer & Kim Harrison
Reader: Erica Rimmer
10.30 a.m. Rev Lily Twist
Steward: Elaine Phillips
Welcome: Ronnie Wilkinson & Di Sleight
Reader: Ronnie Wilkinson
We extend a warm welcome to members of St. Luke’s congregation to our service on the 14th July which will be led by Craig Price who attends St. Luke’s
John Sprigge would like to express his gratitude to members of the church congregation for coming to the Service of Thanksgiving for Jane and showing their support not only to him but to his daughter’s Martha and Libby and Jane’s brother. The Service was well attended by Jane’s friends, neighbours and former colleagues.
Copies of the Plan of Services at West Kirby up to the end of August are still available in the foyer.
A reminder that weekly prayer meetings continue in Room 1 (opposite the Hilda Shore Room) each Friday morning from 9.45 a.m. until 10.15 a.m. Noel will lead the first Friday of each month.
As we go forward, if there are others who feel called to lead once a month, then please do come forward, contact me and we can set up a rota.
Sam Hepworth
The next session in the Church Hall is on Wednesday 17th July from 3.15 p.m. until 5 p.m. The Club is suitable for children in Reception to Year 6. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Sam Hepworth
St. Luke’s, Hoylake are holding an Action for Children coffee morning on Saturday, 20th July from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Admission will be £2 and there will be coffee, cake, games, books & jigsaws. All welcome to come and support this worthy charity.
Elaine Phillips will be hosting a Strawberry Tea in her garden at 13 Burlingham Avenue, West Kirby on Saturday 3rd August from 2.30 p.m. Tickets are £6 and are available from Elaine. All money raised will be for the next MWiB (Methodist Women in Britain) Special Project. Additional garden chairs much appreciated.
The Wirral Foodbank are very grateful for all the food that our church donates to them. They have suggested that we focus on the following items, as a necessity for the boxes they pack:
Tinned fish, meat, vegetables (peas, carrots, sweetcorn, potatoes) also tinned tomatoes.
Tinned rice pudding, fruit
UHT milk
Deodorant & shampoo
Every week they are giving out 1000 tins of fish, 800 tins of meat and 600 tins of fruit. So, the more we can give of these items, the more help we will be.
The Foodbank picks up donations from Tesco in Heswall on a Monday and Thursday. Given the need, it would be good if, as a church, each week we could put as much as we can in the box in the foyer and Eve will take it to Heswall every week if possible.
Another positive about Tesco is that for every kilo of food donation they will make a cash contribution to the Foodbank. Apparently, they don’t mind if it has come from another supermarket.
Many thanks in advance for your generous giving.
Eve Townley
Items for inclusion in the notices should be sent to the Editor, Elaine Phillips, 13 Burlingham Avenue, West Kirby, CH48 8AJ (Tel: 0151 625 2615) or emailed to elaine5649.ep@gmail.com by 11.59 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Sunday of publication. Any additional notices may be handed to the Steward on duty to be read out to the congregation.