West Kirby Methodist Church

Welcome to Worship

5th & 12th MAY 2024

Church website: www.westkirbymethodist.org.uk

Minister: Rev Noel Sharp. Tel: 0151 633 2558.

Email: noelsharp@wirralmethodist.org.uk

Church & Community Development Lay Worker:

 Sam Hepworth Tel: 0151 625 3224

Room Bookings: Sam Hepworth Tel: 0151 625 3224

Email: westkirbymc@yahoo.com


10.00 a.m. Rev Noel Sharp

Café Style Worship in the Church Hall

Steward: Eve Townley

Welcome: Erica Rimmer & Kim Harrison

Reader:  Erica Rimmer


10.30 a.m. Lynda Pillow

Steward: Sally Brimble

Welcome: Anne & David Cross

Reader: Anne Cross



Following the sad news of the passing of Jane Sprigge in Canada on the 28th March, we have heard that Jane’s funeral took place on the 12th April in Ottawa.  John would like a Service of Thanksgiving for Jane’s life to be held here at Westbourne Road sometime in June/July.   Further details will be announced in due course.  In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with John and his family at this difficult time.

We’ve received a message from Daphne Trivett and she would like to update everyone on her current situation.  Daphne was hopeful of coming back to church and see all her friends, but she has now started another course of radiotherapy.  This has curtailed her efforts to got out anywhere without support.  Daphne asks that we pray for her as she continues with more treatment.


Weekly prayer meetings have restarted and will be held in Room 1 (opposite the Hilda Shore Room) each Friday morning from 9.45 a.m. until 10.15 a.m.  Sam Hepworth led last Friday’s first meeting and Noel will lead the first Friday of each month.

As we go forward, if there are others who feel called to lead once a month, then please do come forward, contact me and we can set up a rota.

Sam Hepworth


We are now partners with this Shotton based social enterprise organisation and are now a food hub.  Their chefs work to make nutritious recipes and offer meals for every household – families, single people, older people including microwave meals for one at reasonable prices.

Meals can be ordered here at our church each Wednesday between 11 a.m. & 1 p.m. and collected the following Wednesday between 11 a.m. & 1 p.m. or on a Thursday or Friday between 10 a.m. & 12 p.m.

Meals can also be ordered online at www.wellfedmeals.co.uk   See flyers in the church foyer giving sample menu choices or speak to Sam Hepworth for more information.


The next meeting of TAF will be on 9th May in the Hilda Shore Room at 2.30 p.m.  There will be a short AGM followed by an update about all our church friends who have moved away.  Please bring along any news about friends you keep in touch with.

Carole Barnett


There will be a cake and bring and buy stall at our coffee morning on the 10th May to raise money for Christian Aid.  Donation envelopes will also be available on Sunday, 12th May.  Please support this worthy charity.

Carole Barnett


The next session in the Church Hall is on Wednesday, 15th May from 3.15 p.m. until 5 p.m.  The Club is suitable for children in Reception to Year 6.  All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Sam Hepworth


Please note that the date of the next lunch has been changed to Thursday, 16th May due to the church being used as a Polling Station Local Elections on the 2nd May.  The speaker will be from Dementia UK.


Dirk’s daughter and son in law (Bethan & Nathan Lodewyk) are hoping to move to England from Canada with their new baby Ellie this July.  They would like some help finding somewhere to rent (or somewhere to house sit over the summer).  If you know of any rental connections in Cheshire, the Wirral, Liverpool or North Wales, please think of them and be in touch with Bethan, details as follows:

bethanlodewyk@gmail.com or Dirk dirkuitterdyjk@gmail.com

Also if you know of anyone getting rid of furniture or homeware that would be helpful too.  Bethan & Nathan say they would be very grateful for any help and Dirk may be able to help pick things up.


On Sunday, 19th May we will be celebrating the Church Anniversary.  Our former Minister Rev Jim Dobson will be leading this service which will include communion.  After the service there will be a faith lunch giving everyone the opportunity to catch up with Jim, Marilyn & Simon.

Items for inclusion in the notices should be sent to the Editor, Elaine Phillips, 13 Burlingham Avenue, West Kirby, CH48 8AJ (Tel: 0151 625 2615) or emailed to elaine5649.ep@gmail.com by 11.59 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Sunday of publication.  Any additional notices may be handed to the Steward on duty to be read out to the congregation.