When you enquire about a special service at West Kirby Methodist Church our first response will always, “Welcome, come and meet us.” You can contact us by telephone, by post or by email and we will be very pleased to hear from you. Alternatively, you are very welcome to come along to one of our Sunday morning services at 10.30am. Here you can often arrange an appointment to meet our minister and discuss your plans. We hope that you will enjoy the service and know that you will receive a warm welcome.
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals at West Kirby Methodist Church
This page contains some basic information about weddings, different types of services for babies and funeral services at our Church. Please scroll down to see the information about the various types of services. Whichever service you are interested in, we would be very happy to meet you and discuss your plans.
To contact the church office please click here.
People from a variety of backgrounds approach us about being married in church. A church wedding is more than being married in a church building. We have found that feeling comfortable and at home in the church really does make a difference to your ceremony. People are really much more important than buildings. You are important to us and we would like to meet you.
We do not have complicated rules about who may be married in West Kirby Methodist Church. Either the bridegroom or the bride should normally live in the vicinity of the town or have connections to it. If you are not sure about this or you live away then you can still enquire and we will advise you.
A very common question that people ask is, ‘Do you marry people who have been divorced?’ There is no simple answer to this question. On the one hand, if couples did not take marriage seriously then they would not be asking to get married in church. On the other hand, if we are to show that we take marriage seriously, then clearly we need to talk to you about your own individual circumstances. We want you to feel that we care about you and about your hopes and dreams for the future.
You can contact us by telephone, by post or by email and we will be very pleased to hear from you. Alternatively, simply come to our Sunday morning service at 10.30am. You can often arrange an appointment to meet our minister and discuss your plans. We hope that you will enjoy the service and you will receive a warm welcome.
There are two options available when you enquire about a special service for your baby or child in West Kirby Methodist Church. In the Methodist Church we offer a service of baptism for infants (sometimes called ‘christening’). We also offer a service of thanksgiving for the birth or adoption of a child. These special services (baptism or thanksgiving) to welcome children usually take place within, and as part of, our normal Sunday morning service of worship. We would like you to feel that you are part of our Church family.
This service requires parents to make some quite demanding promises. To make the promises sincerely parents need to think about how they will provide a Christian home, Christian example and give a Christian upbringing to their child or children. The church expects that the family of a baptised child will attend the church regularly and that the child will grow up to attend the church and one day decide to follow Jesus and be an active Christian.
A baby is a wonderful gift from God and traditionally babies have been baptised with parents and Godparents making promises to nurture the child within a Christian home. This might sound daunting, but the church family will support you to help you fulfil your promises.
Some parents are simply thankful for the gift of a child and want to express that in church, without making big promises that they do not feel that they could keep. This is quite an appropriate celebration and we are pleased to offer it as an alternative. The most important thing is to know that there is a welcome for you and your child in our church and for you to feel that in whatever service you share you are doing so sincerely. Other parents want to reserve the service of believer’s baptism for their child (later in life) and thanksgiving is particularly appropriate for parents who choose this option.
For more information you can contact us by telephone, by post or by email and we will be very pleased to hear from you. Alternatively, simply come to our Sunday morning service at 10.30am. You can often arrange an appointment to meet our minister and discuss your plans. We hope that you will enjoy the service and you will receive a warm welcome.
If you are an adult who is thinking about Baptism and what it would mean for you, you can contact us in any of the same ways and we would be very pleased to hear from you.
Our minister is available to conduct funerals in our church or at a cemetery or crematorium.
Our minister always meets the bereaved family before the funeral to talk about the life of the person who has died and to arrange an appropriate service.
We try to offer support for bereaved people in the West Kirby area. From time to time we invite all bereaved families that our minister has come to know through a funeral service to a memorial service.
To contact the church office please click here.